

Toxins, Up Close and Personal…

There is no doubt that our society is taking into account the many harmful toxins and chemicals that exist in the world, but unbeknownst to the majority, several products that one would least expect contain harmful toxins.

Go BPA Free!

With what appears to be a new article out every month, it presents a challenge in remembering every product that is deemed dangerous. I recently wrote a blog on the astounding presence of Bisphenol A (BPA), a known hormone disruptor, in various household products. BPA, one of the highest-volume chemicals produced worldwide, is detected in body fluids of more than 90% of the human population and has been linked to plastic bottles, children’s toys, canned foods, and several other frequently used products. Nonylphenols, proven endocrine disruptors, can be found in laundry detergents and other household cleaners, as well as PFC’s (Perfluorinated Chemicals), in the coatings of nonstick cookware such as Teflon. In a recent article on Yahoo! News, it exposes other hidden household toxins, which can be found in your lights, shower curtain, wallpaper, and your couch of all places!

Go Paraben Free!

The Environmental Working Group has found that the majority of cosmetic products sold in the United States fail to meet one or more industry or government cosmetic safety standards. A New York Times article focused on several cosmetic products, citing the existence of lead in hair dyes and lipsticks, and formaldehyde in nail polish, shampoo, and soap. Many cosmetic products, which contain hazardous ingredients, are often concealed by the words “natural” and “hypoallergenic”. Lets be clear, these words do not necessarily mean the products are safe. Be sure to avoid products with harmful ingredients such as parabens, benzyl alcohol, and azelaic acid to name a few, and opt instead for a line like French Secret®; a sophisticated line of cosmetic products which are non-toxic and paraben-free.

With the overwhelming amount of information on chemicals and environmental pollutants in our everyday products, it begs the question: What can we do to safeguard ourselves from ingesting and exposing ourselves to these harmful toxins?

Avoiding environmental toxins and “heavy metals” is imperative to our body’s health. When not metabolized properly, these toxins become toxic and end up accumulating in our soft tissues. Removal of these toxins is essential, as we do not want them to be absorbed and “recycled” by the body. To help with their removal, consider a line like Targetage®; a dietary supplement line made with the highest quality natural ingredients and whole food formulas, promoting detoxification, and providing the body a superior source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant protection.

The Beljanski Approach to Wellness

The mission of Natural Source International, Ltd., a company that has received the “Green Patriot Seal” from Healthy Living Magazine, is to expose these toxins, pollutants, and chemicals that are present in our environment and every day lives, as well as expand and broaden natural, alternative health products to the public. Our antidote to these harmful toxins is in The Beljanski® Approach to Wellness, inspired by the research of my late father, molecular biologist, Mirko Beljanski PhD. The Beljanski® Approach to Wellness was developed as a holistic health philosophy based on the idea that health starts at the cellular level and that it is most important to AVOID environmental toxins, RESTORE the body’s balance, and REPAIR homeostasis by reviving healthy cell population.

I encourage all to visit the company website, www.natural-source.com for more information on every day environmental pollutants and toxins that may cause damage to DNA and promote disease. Knowledge is power so be sure to take proper preventative measures to ensure a long, happy, and healthy life! Your body will thank you!

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Catch me if you can!

Being President & CEO of an International company is no easy task. It involves blood, sweat, tears, time, patience, and a world of travel. Literally. As I get ready for tradeshow season with four back-to-back scheduled events, it always proves to be a whirlwind but rewarding experience.

I will kick off the events season in the US at the Integrative Healthcare Symposium this Friday and Saturday at the Hilton New York. Every year, IHS brings together multi-disciplinary healthcare professionals dedicated to improving patient care and defining the future of integrative healthcare. My team and I will be at booth #334, so please visit us if you happen to be in New York.

Six days after, I make my way to Lyon, France, where I will be presenting at Salon Primevère on Mar. 8th-10th. For 27 years, this event has focused on the importance of alternative medicine and healthcare, and I am privileged to have the opportunity to speak about “The Beljanski Approach to Wellness”. I will also discuss the scientific work of my late father, Mirko Beljanski and the latest research being conducted in the United States, which validate his findings.

Just a train ride away, I will arrive in Lausanne, Switzerland where I will have the honor to speak to a European Naturopathic Association on March 16th. At their request, I will be there to educate doctors, physicians, pharmacists, and scientists about “The Beljanski Approach to Wellness”, The Beljanski Products®, and the research of my late father, Dr. Miko Beljanski PhD.

At the end of March, I will end my European tour in Lausanne, Switzerland, where I will be speaking at the Mednat Expo. From the 21st-24th, this 3-day exhibition will focus on the importance of natural medicines and personal wellness. I will discuss the origin of environmental medicine, new breakthrough research conducted at Columbia University and the University of Kansas Medical Center, and “ The Beljanski Approach to Wellness”.

With these four events only being the precursor to a full conference/tradeshow season, I hope I am able to enjoy the culture and history of Fourvière and the wines from the surrounding Beaujolais and Côtes du Rhône regions while in Lyon, and maybe a quick trip to the Alps for an afternoon ski and chance to soak up the views in Switzerland. All, post conference of course!

For the most up to date schedule of appearances, please visit www.natural-source.com for more information. I hope to see you soon!

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Say YES to Spring Cleaning!

Spring is right around the corner and before we know it, summer will be here. Instinctively, when the masses prepare to “spring forward” adding an hour of valued time to their day, many also think of one other thing they must do; “spring cleaning.” Every year thousands of us decide to spend more time cleaning out our closets to make sure the toxic clothes we have worn in the past do not have the opportunity to resurface, however rarely do we think of spring cleaning as an opportune time to detox our system.

When the word “detox” is mentioned today, many people immediately think of radical juice diets that are designed to make you drop a lot of weight in a little time. These diets are often fads, and can be dangerous to your health if they are too extreme. In fact, detoxification is about much more than weight loss. When incorporated into your lifestyle, healthy detoxification can be an effective strategy for overall health and disease management.

Detoxification involves the removal of harmful toxins that build up in your body over time, especially in the liver, kidneys, colon, and lymphatic system. The body does detoxify itself naturally to a certain extent, but in today’s polluted world, it cannot cope on its own with the amount of harmful molecules that it encounters.

The great part about a detoxification regimen is that is can be customized to suit your wants and needs. Treatments are selected individually; depending on how serious you want to be about detoxification, a treatment plan will be devised with your best interests in mind, or you can simply choose for yourself.

Detoxification should not be a one-time procedure that is never repeated; it is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle. Life changes are required, but they don’t have to feel like a punishment. Americans need to change how they eat, get more exercise and make an effort to protect themselves against the toxic molecules that bombard them from all sides.

Every so often, we need a thorough detoxification program, as it can be essential to maintaining optimal health. Most of us don’t even know when we are being exposed to toxins like dioxins until it is too late, and even when we do know about the exposure it is often impossible to avoid. That is why prevention and reduction are important.

So what can we do to ensure optimal detoxification? When we come clean, nutritional supplements are as important as a healthy diet for their ability to enhance detoxification pathways. Some of the most interesting combinations of nutrients come directly from nature, delivering the kinds of detoxification benefits that complement a healthy lifestyle.

Natural supplements should be used regularly to help detoxify your body and keep it performing optimally. Antioxidants, particularly Vitamins A, C, and E, bioflavonoids and proanthocyanidins will help to protect the body from the free radicals that cause cellular damage by supporting the body and preventing further damage. The most natural vitamin supplements are extracted from whole foods with all parts intact, thereby increasing their protective and preventative effects.

Enzymes are often referred to as the “life force”, as they are responsible for regulating digestion, immune system function, cardiovascular function, and all other metabolic processes within the body. Because different foods need different enzymes to be broken down (proteases for protein, lipase for fat, etc.), you should choose a supplement that provides a wide variety of pure enzymes.

Every successful detoxification regimen should include a method for colon cleansing as well. Instead of taking harsh laxatives as used in many regimens, look for a natural colon-cleansing product consisting of all natural botanical “detoxifiers,” stool eliminators, and nutrients that support the elimination of parasites.

A complete detoxification plan must also address the liver. To ensure an optimal detox, be sure to include a wide variety of organic fruits and vegetables into your diet. Citrus (lemons, limes, and oranges), garlic, broccoli, green tea, seeds & nuts, and food with high levels of Omega-3 oil all help when choosing a detox diet. Some other ingredients found in nature that help with the detoxification process include:

Artichoke Leaf – supports liver function and bile flow.
Turmeric – protects the body from toxic chemicals.
Beet Leaf – betacyanin, gives the beet its red color & is a powerful cell health agent.
Fennel – purifies the blood and defuses xenoestrogens and other chemical toxins.
Aloe Vera – supports colon and gastrointestinal health.
Ginger Root – helps sooth the stomach.

Although our body is designed with its own detoxification systems and shouldn’t need any more help, today’s polluted world makes it so that we need to support our body’s detoxification systems as much as possible.

Spring is a time of renewal and the perfect time to cleanse your body, especially if you haven’t done so in a while. We must do everything we can to ensure our long-term health. The Beljanski Approach to Wellness stresses that we need to Avoid environmental toxins, Restore balance, and Repair homeostasis in order to maintain optimal wellness inside and out. To keep looking and feeling our best, be cognizant to make healthier choices and opt for natural products. This year, “Detox” gives “Spring Cleaning” a whole new meaning!

For more information, please visit www.natural-source.com!

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Last week I had the privilege of attending a lecture, both brilliant and courageous, given by Gilles-Eric Séralini, Professor of Molecular Biology Research at the Institute of Biology and Fundamental Application (IBFA) at the University of Caen, whose work has recently shook the International scientific community as well as the European health authorities.

In fact, the study that was recently published “Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize”, concluded that Roundup (#1 herbicide in the world, produced by Monsanto Company), and corn genetically modified to resist Roundup, cause hormonal dysfunction and chronic diseases of the sex organs. According to his study in mice, female mortality was increased 2-3 times, mainly due to mammary tumors and disorders of pituitary function. Males developed liver congestion and necrotic renal disease with palpable tumors. A probable explanation for the difference of effects between males and females was due to the fact that Roundup induced endocrine disruption and a new metabolism-related transgene. His study therefore calls for measuring the long-term toxic effects of GMOs and pesticides, instead of being too hasty to authorize its use based on unclassified information.

Obviously this directly contradicts the interests of consortia agro-petro-chemio-food, which in the world, have a powerful lobbying effect within their agency permissions.

Upon publication of the article, the criticisms against Séralini have fused. Negative criticisms came from approximately 40 scientists or groups, (most of which are not specialists in the areas of pesticide toxicology or GMO risk assessment and do not publish papers on these topics), including agencies responsible for GMO or pesticide authorizations. Most were subsequently revealed to have conflicts of interest, either directly with Monsanto Company, with other commercial interests, or with bodies that had previously authorized the commercialization of these or similar products.

What struck me is the similarity of the arguments used against Mirko Beljanski yesterday and against Séralini today. In both cases, official authorities were fast to come up with some botched studies to oppose improbable results, to either Beljanski or Séralini. For Mirko Beljanski it was a 1994 study of the ANRS, produced in a few days without observing the double-blind study, and making references to the analysis of a viscous product, which was opposite to the lack of the effective anti-viral, Pao pereira.

While Gilles-Eric Séralini was appointed the Knight of the Order Of Merit in 2008, proposed by the Ministry of Ecology for his lifelong career in biology, he now sees his professional skills suddenly being called into doubt, and publicly addressed as a disgrace in the scientific community. It was, sadly, the same case for Mirko Beljanski (see the infamous letters of the commission president of CNRS sent to Mirko and Monique Beljanski, published in the Appendix of the book “Chronicles of a Scientific Fatwa”. (ed.G.Trédaniel, Paris).

At the same time Séralini exposes the dangers of GMOs, a Continuing Resolution (CR) for the big Appropriations funding bill is to be debated on the Senate floor in Washington. It’s supposed to be about funding the government, but it includes a dangerous GMO rider that has no place in a funding bill that could strip federal courts of the authority to halt the sale and planting of illegal, potentially hazardous genetically engineered crops while the USDA is performing an environmental impact statement.

If this provision becomes law, it will be a huge blow to the justice system, completely overriding judicial safeguards that protect both farmers and the public, and rendering judges’ rulings irrelevant.

I hope Séralini will have the strength to make his voice heard, loud enough and long enough, for it to impose on those who only hear the noise made by money.

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Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

3rd Edition

I was planning to report about my string of recent conferences in Europe, and thank the many people who came to attend and show their continuing support of Mirko Beljanski’s research, but then a special delivery arrived. Boxes upon boxes of Mirko Beljanski’s reprinted book, “The Regulation of DNA Replication and Transcription” were delivered to my office yesterday, just in time for the 30th anniversary of the 1983 original publication with Karger! This 3rd Edition has been published with scientific commentary and evidentiary support of Mirko Beljanski’s groundbreaking discoveries, given by Dr. Devra Davis, PhD, MPH.

“Medicine is an ever-changing science. Research and clinical experience are continually expanding our knowledge, in particular our understanding of proper treatment and drug therapy.” For almost 50 years Mirko Beljanski, PhD, studied DNA and RNA biology and made numerous discoveries, most notably how RNA plays a dynamic role in cell regulation.

Within the scientific community at the time of his discovery, the difference between normal and cancerous DNA was considered to be caused by mutations, meaning alterations of the DNA’s primary structure. This explanation is still held to be true: though the focus today is on oncogenes; their harmful activity is considered to derive from mutations that have occurred in normal proto-oncogenes. In contrast, Mirko Beljanski demonstrated that the fundamental difference between normal and cancerous DNA really lies in its secondary structure: the cancerous DNA double helix is permanently opened over large areas, whereas in normal DNA, relaxation only occurs locally and temporarily for replication or gene expression.

1st Edition

Unregulated strand separation, and the ensuing replication and gene expression due to newly exposed initiation sites, account for the characteristic properties of the cancer cell, namely its enhanced multiplication and spurious protein synthesis.

This book focuses on how Epigenetics has become one of the most dynamic areas in biomedical science and highlights Beljanski’s premise that “inherited genetic information alone cannot fully explain all phenotypic characteristics of live organisms” and environmental factors must be taken into consideration as they can affect the capacity of illness/cancer to proliferate.

“Recent studies affirm the value of the ideas that Beljanski elucidated in the last century. The basic processes of DNA replication and transcription are now understood to control whether or not genetic information is damaged or repaired, and when and how it is released or transformed. Understanding that cancer and other chronic diseases arise as a result of complex gene-environment interactions that take place at the level of the epi-genome provides a comprehensive way of linking information about the ways that biology and chemistry influence whether or not cells become malignant and how and when they can be repaired or eliminated.”

Although Mirko Beljanski passed away in 1998, his legacy lives on in through his research, his teachings, and his products. I invite you to purchase the 3rd Edition of “The Regulation of DNA Replication and Transcription” from the Beljanski Foundation at 10% off the listed price. “Those who share our concerns with devising better ways to treat cancer will benefit from reading this work, as well as those determined to develop methods to prevent the occurrence of disease altogether.” – Devra Davis, PhD, MPH.

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There is no doubt that our society is taking into account the many harmful toxins and chemicals that exist in the world, but unbeknownst to the majority, several products that one would least expect contain harmful toxins.

Go BPA Free!

With what appears to be a new article out every month, it presents a challenge in remembering every product that is deemed dangerous. I recently wrote a blog on the astounding presence of Bisphenol A (BPA), a known hormone disruptor, in various household products. BPA, one of the highest-volume chemicals produced worldwide, is detected in body fluids of more than 90% of the human population and has been linked to plastic bottles, children’s toys, canned foods, and several other frequently used products. Nonylphenols, proven endocrine disruptors, can be found in laundry detergents and other household cleaners, as well as PFC’s (Perfluorinated Chemicals), in the coatings of nonstick cookware such as Teflon. In a recent article on Yahoo! News, it exposes other hidden household toxins, which can be found in your lights, shower curtain, wallpaper, and your couch of all places!

Go Paraben Free!

The Environmental Working Group has found that the majority of cosmetic products sold in the United States fail to meet one or more industry or government cosmetic safety standards. A New York Times article focused on several cosmetic products, citing the existence of lead in hair dyes and lipsticks, and formaldehyde in nail polish, shampoo, and soap. Many cosmetic products, which contain hazardous ingredients, are often concealed by the words “natural” and “hypoallergenic”. Lets be clear, these words do not necessarily mean the products are safe. Be sure to avoid products with harmful ingredients such as parabens, benzyl alcohol, and azelaic acid to name a few, and opt instead for a line like French Secret®; a sophisticated line of cosmetic products which are non-toxic and paraben-free.

With the overwhelming amount of information on chemicals and environmental pollutants in our everyday products, it begs the question: What can we do to safeguard ourselves from ingesting and exposing ourselves to these harmful toxins?

Avoiding environmental toxins and “heavy metals” is imperative to our body’s health. When not metabolized properly, these toxins become toxic and end up accumulating in our soft tissues. Removal of these toxins is essential, as we do not want them to be absorbed and “recycled” by the body. To help with their removal, consider a line like Targetage®; a dietary supplement line made with the highest quality natural ingredients and whole food formulas, promoting detoxification, and providing the body a superior source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant protection.

The Beljanski Approach to Wellness

The mission of Natural Source International, Ltd., a company that has received the “Green Patriot Seal” from Healthy Living Magazine, is to expose these toxins, pollutants, and chemicals that are present in our environment and every day lives, as well as expand and broaden natural, alternative health products to the public. Our antidote to these harmful toxins is in The Beljanski® Approach to Wellness, inspired by the research of my late father, molecular biologist, Mirko Beljanski PhD. The Beljanski® Approach to Wellness was developed as a holistic health philosophy based on the idea that health starts at the cellular level and that it is most important to AVOID environmental toxins, RESTORE the body’s balance, and REPAIR homeostasis by reviving healthy cell population.

I encourage all to visit the company website, www.natural-source.com for more information on every day environmental pollutants and toxins that may cause damage to DNA and promote disease. Knowledge is power so be sure to take proper preventative measures to ensure a long, happy, and healthy life! Your body will thank you!