

Thank you!

I could not resist sharing the good news with you all about the re-publication of my father’s book,  “The Regulation of DNA Replication and Transcription“. This 3rd edition, printed by DemosMedical, a publishing house renowned for the quality of its medical and scientific publications, includes scientific commentary and evidentiary support of Mirko Beljanski’s groundbreaking discoveries, given by Dr. Devra Davis, PhD, MPH. I am confident that this book will continue to interest those in the medical field and be referenced and featured, as it deserves to be.

“The author is able to formulate a uniquely integrative biochemical model for the gene expression, demonstrating that both biological and chemically synthesized molecules can trigger the differential release of information from the DNA and thus influence cell transformation. Apart from its academic significance, the model offers high potential assistance in the search for ways to induce or control the expression of certain genes and, moreover, to promote differentiation of given cells in vitro as well as in situ.” (Demos Medical)

From left to right: Danny Toussaint, Sylvie Beljanski, Gilda Tchelebian

To ensure continuity for the future, I want to thank everyone who attended the recent lectures I gave in Europe and express my sincere thanks for your continued support. The more than three hundred people who came to Primevère in Lyon showed enthusiasm and interest in recent scientific publications confirming the work of Mirko Beljanski, and the new research programs being conducted by the Beljanski Foundation. The conversations I had with many attendees who came to talk to me post-conference also demonstrated great loyalty and respect to the memory of my late father, as well as great satisfaction at witnessing my commitment to quality research with quality products.

This was an extremely humbling experience, which touched me and has given me the strength to continue my path. A special thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Veluire for their help setting up at Salon Primevere.

I also received a very warm welcome in Switzerland, especially from the APTN, a European Naturopathic Association, who invited me to host a day of training on the research and discoveries of Mirko Beljanski. I would like to thank Dr. Kiener, for coming from Château d’Oex to Lausanne. His insight and experience as an integrative clinician helped to make this day of training very interesting. I would also like to thank both Ms.Dennis, and Christine Jacqueline Dordi, for the kindness they and their host organization afforded me on this exceptional day.

Finally, it was MEDNAT in Lausanne, where so many people came from Montreux and Geneva to attend my lecture and talk with me about how they had known my father. Many people, who were familiar with the Beljanski Foundation, ordered the DVD as their way to see Mirko again. I was touched by the gesture and this proved to be a wonderful way to end my European tour.

I want to thank you all for your friendship, support, and commitment. I will continue to do my best for as long as possible.

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Alkalinize! The Celebrity Buzz.

Whether you find her figure enviable or unappealing, when Victoria Beckham talks diet, people listen! Her recent comments about a cookbook that advocates an alkaline diet, has generated quite a buzz about this lifestyle.

What is the Alkaline Diet?
The theory of the alkaline diet is aimed at improving overall health by eating certain foods that can help maintain the body’s ideal pH level. Our pH is the measure of exactly how acidic or alkaline we are. A pH of 7.0 is neutral. A pH below 7.0 is acidic. A pH above 7.0 is alkaline.

The problem with the idea that we can modify the body’s overall pH with a diet is that we have different pH levels found in different organs/systems of the body. For example, the stomach has a pH ranging from 1.35-3.5. It must be acidic in order to aid in digestion. However, our blood must always be slightly alkaline, with a pH of 7.35 to 7.45, as below or above this range can be indicative of disease.

Acidosis; an increased acidity in the blood and other body tissue, is being reported more frequently, resulting from poisoning by elevated levels of iron, and a chronically decreased production of bicarbonate. In an acidic environment we find that cells do not have a sufficient amount of oxygen. These cells become host sites for pathogens, bacteria, viruses, fungus and/or yeast. A blood pH of 6.9, which is only slightly acidic, can induce coma and/or death. When too acidic, we become more prone to colds, flues, fatigue, and lethargy. Therefore, what we ingest, in fact, directly affects blood’s pH level and our overall health.

Research suggests that an acidic pH can occur from an acidic-based diet, stress, toxicity, immune reactions, or any process that deprives cells of oxygen and other nutrients. The body will try to compensate for an acidic pH by using alkaline minerals, however if there aren’t enough in ones diet, a build up of acids in the cells will occur.

Have you ever tested the pH of your urine or saliva? Testing urine and/or saliva after sleeping at least 5 hours, can give you an idea of how your body is operating. Urine’s pH tells you how your body is responding to the foods you eat, while saliva’s pH tells you how your body has adapted to your thinking and stress. To test your pH at home, go to the drugstore and purchase a pack of pH test paper. Wet two to three inches of the test strip with either saliva or with urine, then match the color of your test strip with the color chart on the packet. If you are healthy, both your saliva and urine should register around pH 7. If the reading is below 6.5, then you should consider making the necessary changes to begin alkalizing your diet.

What’s in the Alkaline Diet?
The Alkaline diet is mostly vegetarian. In addition to fresh fruits and vegetables, alkaline-promoting foods include soy products, nuts, grains, and legumes. Avoid eating acid-promoting foods, which include meat, poultry, dairy, processed foods, white sugar, white flour, and caffeine. Also stay clear of all artificial chemical sweeteners like NutraSweet, Sweet ‘N Low, Equal and Splenda. These products when used for long periods of time can be poisonous and extremely acid forming. One of the best things we can do to correct an overly acidic body is to clean up the diet and lifestyle.

To maintain our health, a diet should consist of 60% alkaline forming foods and 40% acid forming foods. To restore our health, a diet should consist of 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods. That sure is a lot of vegetables, so it’s no wonder why many individuals opt for juicing as a means to get the necessary amount of fruits and vegetables into their diet. However, if you’re like me, and find juicing to be too time consuming to fit realistically into any schedule, the next best thing is Recipe for Health. This potent green powder is a whole food blend of organic fruits and vegetables designed to help balance out a modern diet. While most people fail to get an adequate amount of greens in their regular diet, Recipe for Health is an easy to mix, berry tasting, nutrient blend providing key nutrients, enzymes, probiotics, and a high ORAC level to help keep you fully Alkalized!

Maybe I should send some to Victoria Beckham, just in case!

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Two new studies by the University of Kansas, supported by The Beljanski Foundation and CIRIS using products provided by Natural Source International, Inc., have been accepted for publication and are in press.

The two studies “Inhibition of pancreatic cancer and potentiation of effects by gemcitabine by an extract of Pao Pereira” and “The plant extract of Pao Pereira potentiates carboplatin effects against ovarian cancer” are important because they confirm the ability of the molecules discovered by Mirko Beljanski to work in synergy with chemotherapy. These results also  point out the lack of efficacy of chemotherapy alone. Indeed, the contribution of chemotherapy to 5-year survival is estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the United States according to an article published in “Clinical Oncology.” This article raises questions considering the cost of hospital treatment, human suffering and the longevity they provide.

Mirko Beljanski © The Beljanski Foundation, Inc.

It is important to remember that a synergy of action had already been shown by Mirko Beljanski, who, instead of diverting patients away from traditional treatments,  emphasized the importance of the simultaneous use of both approaches and made a point in his publications and many interviews.

An English Version of the French DVD “Politiquement Incorrecte, mais Scientifiquement Exacte, L’Histoire Beljanski: des Molecules et des Hommes” (Politically Incorrect, but Scientifically accurate, the Beljanski Story: Molecules and human beings) is in the works.

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Our DNA does not seal our fate. With freedom comes responsibility!

We inherit genes from our parents. Our father’s eye color, our mother’s dimples: these traits are predetermined at conception.

Our parents do however give us much more than genes: by educating us they give us the foundation for our lifestyle choices and eating habits.

We have no control over our genes, but their role has its limits.

Epigenetics defines the study of modifications in gene expression (not the changes in the gene sequence itself) that could result from a variation in lifestyle, diet, infection, or a physical or emotional trauma. These factors induce a methylation in our genes, affecting their operation, without changing their sequence.

Time Magazine Cover - January 2010 Edition

“Epigenetics is really a funnel by which the outside environment interacts with the genome,” explains CFIDS Association grantee Patrick O. McGowan, Ph.D., assistant professor in the department of biological sciences at the University of Toronto in Canada. “This, in turn, influences how cells work (or don’t work). Already, research shows that epigenetic changes are implicated in numerous diseases, including cancer, asthma, and heart disease.”

Epigenetics also has its limits. We cannot change the color of our eyes with a diet, but we can promote the expression of genes related to aging and sickness. Mirko Beljanski is often considered the father of the environmental medicine for demonstrating how environmental toxins can cumulatively and gradually destabilize our DNA.

We are all responsible for our daily choices and their impact on our lives. Someone recently wrote to Natural Source requesting to not be sent any more information on Targetage and French Secret products, on the grounds that as a cancer patient, she did not have time for such “frivolous” things. Lets be clear; there is nothing “frivolous” about taking care of yourself. Most of the commercial beauty products we use contain toxins. Avoiding products saturated with parabens and phthalates is essential to maintaining ones health as they are known to activate the expression of cancer-related genes.

Beljanski Approach to Wellness

Dr. Beljanski published a great deal of research on the effect of environmental toxins in the development of cancers. There is nothing “frivolous” about taking vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and probiotics in capsule, since the earth can no longer provides us enough of what our body needs. Numerous scientific studies have shown these substances to help improve overall health while also displaying an anti-cancer properties.

Mirko Beljanski’s research also showed how certain substances could have a positive impact on the expression of our genes, blocking the replication of destabilized DNA. Indeed he discovered several fundamental substances and therapies in the fight against cancer, but remembering only that part of his works is quite a simplistic approach.

So I say to this person: Take charge of your health on a daily basis. There is nothing “frivolous” about that.

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The Controversy Over Ginkgo Biloba

A Rebuttal On Behalf of The Beljanski Foundation

An article published in the New York Times on April 29th, 2013 has created a controversy surrounding the well-known natural product, Ginkgo Biloba. Millions of people around the world use this natural plant extract to boost their memory, improve blood circulation to the brain, ear, neck and throat, and to attack free radicals.

Although some of the effects for which Ginkgo is most often consumed have never been clearly proven, its popularity remains. Widely used in the US, Asia, and Europe, the sale of bottles of Ginkgo leaf extract can be counted in billions.

Green Leaf Ginkgo - As Seen In NY Times Article

It is important to note that the extracts mentioned in the Times article are obtained using organic solvents. It is known that these solvents leave behind residues, which at best are generally toxic and at worst, can be carcinogenic. The article notes that the carcinogenic effects observed in rats are concentrated in the liver and thyroid. The rats used in this study were administered absurdly high doses (up to 2gr for a 20gr mouse), at which many substances normally considered safe can become toxic. For example, the 2gr/kg dose used in the study is ten times the lethal dose of aspirin. One of the peer reviewers stated, “the liver tumors in mice and the thyroid tumors in rats may have little if any relevance to humans who consume Ginkgo Biloba leaf extract at much lower dose levels”. This reviewer also remarked that the mouse strain used in the study is “highly susceptible to chemically induced tumors”. Another reviewer asked whether the extract that was tested is chemically similar to the green leaf extract that is widely available. Rather than an alarmist study with questionable methodologies, what is needed is a scientific determination of safe levels of a Ginkgo product that is actually used and a scientific assessment of its actual benefits.

Beljanski's Golden Leaf Ginkgo

In the 80s, Dr. Mirko Beljanski became very interested in Ginkgo Biloba as its leaves contain an abundance of molecules with very interesting properties. Determined not to use young green leaves as others had, he waited until the leaves had aged and synthesized different profiles of molecules, and by doing so, effectively eliminated the need for organic solvents in the extraction process. Some highly beneficial aspects of the extract include: regulation of nucleases (pathology and chemotherapy change quantitatively and qualitatively), protection from side effects of gamma-radiation (powerful protective element against various side effects including fibrosis), the protection of chromosomes, and beneficial effect on the liver. No carcinogenic effect has ever been observed with the yellow leaf extract neither by using the Oncotest[1] (Beljanski’s sensitive assay for carcinogens), in mice (used extensively in studies on radiation protection), nor in humans who have been using it for many years.

It is important to remember that the Ginkgo Biloba extract developed by Mirko Beljanski is fundamentally different from others, due to time of maturation of the raw material and the method of extraction. Therefore, Beljanski’s yellow leaf extract is not affected by this controversy.


[1] The Regulation of DNA Replication and Transcription. Mirko Beljanski. 1st Edition, 1983, Karger. DemosMedical, New Edition in the Classical Monographs in Biomedecin collection, New York, 2013.

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I could not resist sharing the good news with you all about the re-publication of my father’s book,  “The Regulation of DNA Replication and Transcription“. This 3rd edition, printed by DemosMedical, a publishing house renowned for the quality of its medical and scientific publications, includes scientific commentary and evidentiary support of Mirko Beljanski’s groundbreaking discoveries, given by Dr. Devra Davis, PhD, MPH. I am confident that this book will continue to interest those in the medical field and be referenced and featured, as it deserves to be.

“The author is able to formulate a uniquely integrative biochemical model for the gene expression, demonstrating that both biological and chemically synthesized molecules can trigger the differential release of information from the DNA and thus influence cell transformation. Apart from its academic significance, the model offers high potential assistance in the search for ways to induce or control the expression of certain genes and, moreover, to promote differentiation of given cells in vitro as well as in situ.” (Demos Medical)

From left to right: Danny Toussaint, Sylvie Beljanski, Gilda Tchelebian

To ensure continuity for the future, I want to thank everyone who attended the recent lectures I gave in Europe and express my sincere thanks for your continued support. The more than three hundred people who came to Primevère in Lyon showed enthusiasm and interest in recent scientific publications confirming the work of Mirko Beljanski, and the new research programs being conducted by the Beljanski Foundation. The conversations I had with many attendees who came to talk to me post-conference also demonstrated great loyalty and respect to the memory of my late father, as well as great satisfaction at witnessing my commitment to quality research with quality products.

This was an extremely humbling experience, which touched me and has given me the strength to continue my path. A special thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Veluire for their help setting up at Salon Primevere.

I also received a very warm welcome in Switzerland, especially from the APTN, a European Naturopathic Association, who invited me to host a day of training on the research and discoveries of Mirko Beljanski. I would like to thank Dr. Kiener, for coming from Château d’Oex to Lausanne. His insight and experience as an integrative clinician helped to make this day of training very interesting. I would also like to thank both Ms.Dennis, and Christine Jacqueline Dordi, for the kindness they and their host organization afforded me on this exceptional day.

Finally, it was MEDNAT in Lausanne, where so many people came from Montreux and Geneva to attend my lecture and talk with me about how they had known my father. Many people, who were familiar with the Beljanski Foundation, ordered the DVD as their way to see Mirko again. I was touched by the gesture and this proved to be a wonderful way to end my European tour.

I want to thank you all for your friendship, support, and commitment. I will continue to do my best for as long as possible.